Create, View, and Edit Layers

In this article, you will learn how to use the Layers page in the UtiliSync Admin app.


  1. Select the Layers tab in the admin app.
  2. This will provide you with a list of the layers available to you. You can Search for a layer and Add Layers here.
  3. Selecting +Layer will open the Create Layer UtiliBot. It will walk you through the steps to create a new layer, including naming your layer and choosing which type of layer you want. 
  4. You can choose any Layer Name you'd like, this name is independent of any other referenced layer, GIS or otherwise.
  5. The Layer Types available to you are Utilisync Layer, 811 Tickets Layer, ArcGIS Feature Service, ArcGIS Map Service, and ArcGIS Tile Service. Each of these layer types will be explained in the article linked below.
  6. If you have already created the Layer, select it from the list and you will see the Edit Layer options. In the More Options menu to the right of each existing layer, you can also Edit Layer, Archive Layer, or you can Delete Layer.

  1. The first field you can change is the Layer Name.
  2. Edit Layer options are Layer Info, Service Info (on Feature Service layers), and Layer Details.
  3. Layer Info and Service Info can both be edited right in the info panel.
  4. Layer Details you can edit are Customize Layer Symbology and Forms. Simply select the text and a new info panel will open that will allow you to customize these options.

Success! You can now create, view, and edit Layers in UtiliSync.

Related Articles:

Layer Types Available in UtiliSync

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