Fix a GIS layer where the symbology doesn't appear correctly in the UtiliSync apps

If a feature service GISlayer is saved using the new Map Viewer in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise, then the symbology information for the layer will be saved in a separate file and the updated symbology will not be displayed in the UtiliSync apps, or any map using the ArcGIS Javascript SDK. This issue manifests when a GIS admin views the symbology one way in Map Viewer, but it appears differently in the UtiliSync app. The solution is to 1. reset the layer to allow the symbology to be saved to the feature service then 2. update the symbology using Map Viewer Classic. The process below describes how to do that.

Reset The Layer

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Online Assistant at:
  2. Search for the feature layer and select "I want to.." >View an Item's JSON
  3. Click on the edit icon (Pencil) and remove "ArcGIS API for JavaScript" line under type keyword.

4. Edit the Data JSON object to be "{}".

Success! Now the layer has been reset.

Update Layer Symbology

Now that the layer has been reset, you can edit the symbology in Map Viewer Classic. Any updates you make to the symbology in Map Viewer Classic will be reflected in the UtiliSync apps, and any other app that uses the ArcGIS Javascript SDK.

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