Add a Custom Basemap

In this article, you will learn how to add a Custom Basemap in the UtiliSync Admin app.


  1. In the admin console, open the Basemaps tab.
  2. Click on +Basemap.

  1. In the Create Basemap dialog that opens, name the Basemap.
  2. Next, input the URL (Make sure you use a valid URL, as our app does not validate the layers when they are added.)
  3. Then choose the type of Basemap and click on the CREATE BASEMAP button.
  4. These custom Basemaps will appear at the top of the Basemaps widget list. NOTE: Please keep in mind that WMS Basemaps take a little while to load because they have so many details and Tile maps only show the designated portion of the map, outside of that area the map will be solid white.

Success! You can now add custom basemaps to your organization's account in UtiliSync!

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