Create a Positive Response Smart Field in a Form
In this article, you will learn how to create a Positive Response Smart Field in the Edit Form area of the Form Builder in the UtiliSync admin app. This field is only available for forms on 811 Tickets Layers.
- Click on +ADD FIELD to get the field selection panel.
- Click on Positive Response in the panel.
- On the right side of your screen, a box will appear with all of the ways that you can customize the settings of this field. You may populate these settings fields immediately after creating the form field or you can click on the X to close the settings box and continue creating other form fields.
- If you have previously created the field and now want to adjust the settings, click anywhere on the field in the center of the screen and the box on the right will appear.
- The remaining settings are available for many types of form fields and will be described in separate articles.
- When you are finished customizing this field, always remember to click on the Update Item button at the bottom of the box or your work will not be saved to your form.
Success! You can now create a Positive Response Smart Field in a form.