Close or Cancel a Scheduled Form

This article explains how to close or cancel a scheduled form in the UtiliSync Inspect app.

You cannot delete a scheduled form but you can close or cancel it. Be careful when doing this, it can not be undone.


There are two ways to do this: starting from the Maps Page or starting from the Scheduled Forms tab.

From the Maps Page:

  1. Select a feature on your map.
  2. Go to the Tasks tab.
  3. Click the More Options (three dot) menu to the right of the task.

  1. Click the Status dropdown.

  1. Select Closed or Cancelled.
  2. Last, click the UPDATE button.

From the Scheduled Forms Tab:

  1. Open the Docs app then tap on the Scheduled Forms Tab in the Navigation panel.
  2. Find the Task that you would like to edit in the list of Scheduled Forms. You may need to use the filters to find what you are looking for.
  3. Use the More Options (three dot) menu to choose Edit Scheduled Form.

  1. Click the Status dropdown.

  1. Select Closed or Cancelled.
  2. Last, click the UPDATE button.

Success! You have now closed or canceled your task.

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