Schedule UtiliSync TMS Training

Once you have created an account, added your utilities to it, and have some test tickets, you are ready to schedule your UtiliSync811 Training. Click on the button below to select a time that works for you and your team. 

Who is the training for?

This training will be geared toward the field locators and their supervisors.

What are the goals of the training meeting?

The goals of the training meeting are to:

  1. Show locators UtiliSync811 features that pertain to receiving and clearing tickets.
  2. Help locators get comfortable using the app to clear tickets.
  3. Select a cut-over date to go live with UtiliSync811.

What should we do to prepare for the training?

Before the training make sure each locator:

  1. Has a user for UtiliSync811 and can sign in. Add a New User
  2. Has the UtiliSync811 app installed on their field device(s). Install UtiliSync TMS

Locators should bring their field devices to the training so they can follow along.

What's next in the onboarding process?

Select a cut-over date to go live with UtiliSync.

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